Felix Nodai, Vice Principal and School Registrar of Holy Cross International College (HCIC) in Yaounde, has said, the administration notice that towards the end of the first term in the 2023/2024 Academic Year, some students started working hard.
He made this statement during the Christmas party celebrations held in the school on Thursday, December 14, 2023. Nodai also acknowledged that a good number of students performed exceptionally well during the first term exams.
While appreciating the students’ achievements, he stressed that even if a student performs well in the exams but does not secure the top position in class, it could be because they did not perform well in the September and October evaluations, which carried a weightage of 40 percent each. In contrast, the first term exam accounted for 60 percent of the overall grade.
N0dai expressed his appreciation for Brandy Wilfer from Germany, a student who initially faced difficulties but has since shown remarkable improvement in academics, achieving the highest average in the high school. He also mentioned that no foreign student has ever surpassed the achievements of national students throughout the school’s history. Brandy W. scored 80 percent in Mathematics, 81 percent in Economics, and 91 percent in Computer Science. When asked about his success, Brandy W. attributed it to hard work and dedication.
In addition, Augustine Olli, who achieved an average score of 19.24 out of 20, was also congratulated for his outstanding performance.