Holy Cross International College

HCIC Calls On Students Not to Forget their Culture

Students of Holy Cross International College, HCIC, an Anglo-Saxon Catholic-styled co-educational boarding school lo- cated in Nkoabang, outskirts of Yaounde, have been called not to forget their culture because it is part of their whole being.


The call was made on March 19 on the school’s campus during the maiden edition of the Cultural Day celebrated in the institution. The ceremony, which also coincided with the fundraising to construct the college chapel, brought together students, teachers, parents and well-wishers of the institution. Speaking shortly after the event, the Proprietor of the Institution, Emmanuel Buban Ngu, said, given that Cameroon’s rich culture is diverse, it was important to showcase and promote it with a message for students to know where they are coming from so that it becomes part of their lives. “I feel very alerted that it is a big success, because, this is the first that we are showcasing our culture. Our culture is very rich and diverse and that is what we are trying to showcase. I am very happy that we had to do that and both the students and everybody who came here leaving happily and I am sure that if the student could apply themselves to the other areas, they will be very successful and this
school will be an arena for them,” Buban Ngu said.

“Culture is very important and we don’t need to repeatit whether it’s the language, food, dances and dressing, and anything other associated with it. Nobody can forget his culture and that is why we are trying to promote this to make sure that students remember that they come from a certain area, they have certain beliefs and traditions and they must propagate this so that their culture stays on and become part of their lives,” Buban Ngu added.

Felix Nodai, Vice Principal of the institution, stressed that, given that children are no more paying attention to their culture due to globalisation, it
was important to bring culture towards them. “…Most of them are fast forgetting their mother tongue and it is something we all must get back to. We can’t allow our different dialects to be dying down. You must identify yourself, especially from where you are coming from. Your language,  meals, dressing and how you socialise yourself tells people a lot about your culture. The messages we are trying to send to the children today is for them to know where they are coming from because it will define where they are going to,” Felix Nodai said.

Students praised the administration for the day and promised to promote their culture wherever they are found. Students also used the day to showcase some of the things they have produced in school. These include rosaries, traditional shoes with beads, oil and beads for women and men.
“I am happy being part of this day because it’s good for our culture to be celebrated. It was nice to see dances from all the four different Regions of
Cameroon parade here. It was a day full of fun and everyone enjoyed coupled with the fact that there was a lot of food from these Regions. I can’t say much about these cultures here because, in Germany, we don’t celebrate any cultural day but I think the day is significant because I have learned a lot about different cultures and it was beautiful. We need to keep promoting our culture because it is our identity,” a student from Germany said.

Before the day started, College Chaplain Father Gordon, in his homily, presented the importance of building God’s House. Father Gordon said
building a place of worship on the school campus for the children is helping them to know and come closer to God as well as looking up to the Holy

By Etienne Mainimo Mengnjo

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