Holy Cross International College

AT HOLY CROSS INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE: Bishop Aloysius Fondong Urges Students To Shun Lies, Fear God

The Bishop of Mamfe, His Lordship Aloysius Abangalo Fondong, has called on students of Holy Cross International College, HCIC Yaounde, to shun away from lies,stand for the truth and have the fear of the Lord.

Bishop Aloysius made the call on April 22 while administering the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion in the school campus. Speaking from the Gospel of John, His Lordship said,“As you become new creations, you need to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ who confess the name of Christ today boldly and never to be ashamed of the cross. Never be ashamed of the gospel of Christ,” he said, “… As you receive the Holy Spirit, it will empower you to spread the faith without fear and defend it. You will not longer be that student who moves around and disturbs but be that student who will stand for the truth, when something is not right, say it…
The spirit of truth you are receiving today is not the spirit of lies, the spirit of power and not timidity, The spirit of the fear of the Lord.”  Bishop Aloysius also besieged the students to know that the sacrament of the Holy Communion is sacrament of the perpetual presence of the  risen Lord with mankind.

“The Lord is with us. He can never abandon us.” Bishop Aloysius said “Christ is with us and he will never leave us. Christ is going to be  with you. Fear not and start your life now to be witnesses of the risen Lord. Stay away from lies,”

After the ceremony, the Proprietor of the institution, Emmanuel Buban Ngu appreciated the maiden visit of His Lordship to the HCIC after been made Bishop of Mamfe. The event to him was another historic partnership HCIC is enjoying. “…permit me to confirm our basic  ideas by educating our young ladies and gentleman who are our future entrepreneurs, DGs and top executives to experience notion of strict moral discipline, leadership skills and academic excellence under the watchful eyes of our Chaplain Rev. Fr. Gordon,” Emmanuel Buban Ngu said.

While highlighting the recent cultural day in campus showcase a lot of culture, arts, food and language among other things, he said more  than FCFA 10 million was raise for the construction of college chapel.
To newly baptized student, “I am very happy that I have been baptized today and I will follow the words of the Bishop. Here ally stressed that  we stop lies telling and embrace the Gospel of Christ and I am going to do that. I want to thank God for this day.” 12 students received the sacrament of baptism, 25 took first Holy Communion and 74 received confirmation.

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