Holy Cross International College

HCIC Baptized Students Urged To Deepen Their Faith, Emulate Christ’s Teachings

Students at Holy Cross International College (HCIC) in Yaounde, who received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, have been encouraged to strengthen their faith through prayers and by following the example set by Jesus Christ.

Students (in white) in the school chapel waiting to recieve their sacraments

The twin ceremony, which took place on April 28 in the school campus, was marked by a Homily delivered by Fr. Gordon, the school’s Chaplain.

He emphasized the significance of the sacraments in the Catholic faith, highlighting them as gifts from God bestowed through the Church as a manifestation of His boundless love.

Father Gordon underscored the importance of baptism as the sacrament of salvation and the gateway to all other sacraments.

Student posed for a family picture with Fr. Gordon

He said, those receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist receive the true Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, with bread and wine undergoing transubstantiation during consecration.

“I am encouraging you all to stick to what you have learned. You should pray more and follow in Christ’s footsteps. You are not alone because Jesus Christ, whom you have received, is with you and will never leave you,” he said.

He reassured them of Christ’s continuous presence and emphasized the importance of perseverance and seeking forgiveness in times of stumbling.

Students, school officials and parents posed for a family picture

“You should not fear. You should always get up in the sacrament of Confession, in which God forgives and renews, recognize your faults, pray sincerely, and God will forgive you. Christ is forgiving,” He added,

Students on their part expressed their joy to rely on God, acknowledging Him as the source and sustainer of their faith.

Parents and Guardians who turned out told their children that as they embark on this spiritual journey, they should embrace the teachings of Christ, pray fervently, and trust in His forgiveness and guidance.

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