Holy Cross International College

British Council Country Lead Urges Graduates To Pursue Excellence, Embrace Diversity

The Country Lead for the British Council in Cameroon, Caroline Ndifor has urged graduating students at Holy Cross International College, HCIC to pursue excellence, embraced diversity, and make a positive difference in the world.

Caroline Ndifor, Country Lead for British Council in Cameroon

Caroline Ndifor made the statement on May 18 in Yaounde during the 11th graduation ceremony for the National Section and the first ceremony for the International Section.

“To the graduating students of HCIC,” she said adding, “I offer my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for success in all your future endeavors. May you continue to pursue excellence, embraced diversity and make a positive difference in the world.”

To the younger students, Caroline Ndifor stated that the graduation ceremony should served as a moment of inspiration and a time of anticipation of what you will experience in the future when they graduate.

“I encourage you to celebrate your friends today as you pave the way for others you celebrate you when you eventually graduate,” she said. Concerning the graduation of the International Section, she said, “today is only but the beginning of many Cambridge graduation ceremonies to come.”

Caroline Ndifor handing High School certificate to the student graduating from the Cambridge International Section of the school

She stated that, the collaboration between the British Council and HCIC has been instrumental in fostering international education in Cameroon. Through joint initiatives and partnerships, she indicated that both parties have worked together to promote excellence in education, enhance the quality of teaching and learning and expand access to international qualifications and opportunities for Cameroonian and non-Cameroonian students alike.

“Together, we are building bridges of understanding and cooperation between cultures,” she said. We are empowering young people to become global citizens who are prepared to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.”

Graduating Students

Concerning the progress of the school towards its accreditation with Cambridge, she maintained that she is optimistic about the future. She added that the Cambridge curriculum is renowned for its academic rigor, global perspective and emphasis on critical thinking and inquiring-based learning.

By offering this world-class education to its students, HCIC is not only preparing them for success in their academic pursuits but also equipping them with the skills and competencies they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

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