Holy Cross International College

Don’t Abandon your children when they come for holidays – Principal HCIC Yaounde

Don’t Abandon your children when they come for holidays

The Principal of Holy Cross International College Yaounde has called don parents not to abandoned their children when they come for holidays.

The call was made on February 19th in Yaounde during the 2022 PTA Annual General Assembly meeting.

Speaking to parents, the Principal appealed to parents to be concerned with what their children are doing during holidays because when they come back, they are 50 steps behind.

“…We have realized with deep pain in our hearts that each time these children return to school after holidays, there is a regression in most aspects of their formation.”

“Why? Why and why? Making money and providing for their needs is not all. Don’t abandon your children. Please parents collaborate with us for the complete formation and development of your child,” she said.

According to her, “If we abandon these students to drivers and house helps, then be sure we are creating a family that will most likely get out of control. These children are so dear to you as parents and to us as a school and with the saying.”

“A good fruit does not fall far from the tree”, I call on you parents and teachers to help bring up these students to resemble not just their families but Holy Cross College.”

She insisted that “even if at home you do not go to church nor believe in God when they are with us, know they must go to church as it is in our college program which must be followed by all.”

“We, therefore, beg you to join your voices to that of the proprietor, administration, and staff to discourage poor behaviors from these students. We need you to be present and participatory in the upbringing of your child.”

“…Please parents, it is not necessary to make frequent visits to the school, requesting to see me because you want to add banking or trunk food for your child. Your coming is a distraction to our community, so give us time to be, work, and enjoy life with these children for we are a boarding school.”

“The students are a reflection of the risks our society and the world are facing so we need to be alert and attentive to changes in their behaviors and lifestyles. Question them about their friends and do follow up, check, and share any updates with the school such that the children become aware that home and school work in partnership for their good, she added.

By Etienne Mainimo

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